Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Ain't it the truth
Monday, September 19, 2011
Chocolate Cornets
For those of you who have watched Lucky Star, you've most definitely seen Konata with her signature Chocolate cornet nom-nom-ing away. You want to try one immediately after seeing this series.
I did some searching on the internet after watching Lucky Star, and found some recipes for the cornets, but most were in Japanese. I had to do a rough translation to make my own, but they turned out delicious and I still adore making them. That was over two years ago, and I still make them today (It impresses people!). However, one of my favorite Youtube shows, Cooking with Dog, posted an amazing video on how to make authentic Cornets in an easy-to-understand format! So I wanted to share and hope you guys have fun making cornets too!
(I've had to alter the recipe, as Suede is allergic to eggs, and I also prefer to substitute the cream for my own sweet-tooth indulgence (I mix whipped cream with melted dark chocolate, yum!).)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Man In Suede: The Beginning That Began
This is also where you can actually make a difference in my life, and even in my reviews! You see, I am bound by demonic contract not to panhandle within the hallowed confines of TGWTG, but here I can go nuts! Observe the Donations button to the side. The more self sufficient I become through these videos, the closer I get to my goal of going full time and achieving the win-win situation of releasing weekly. Now, the only lasting way to do this is to get as many people as possible to watch the videos, but donations will never go amiss. Also watch out for new polls such as the one I have set up now that may very well affect my future videos. This is also the only place I've put my email address.
So yeah, a bit about myself. I'm a sworn otaku and all-purpose nerd currently living in New Zealand, Christchurch to be exact, where the aftershocks appear to be dying down, finally. At the moment I'm desperately trying to make ends meet for me and my wife by working full time at a warehouse for the main grocery supplier in New Zealand, Foodstuffs. This is why my videos aren't being churned out at nearly the rate I would like. Although Jess (my wife) has just been offered a part time job as a Community Support Worker, things are still tight. However! Things are moving forward, even if it is slowly. I am currently working on a new AMV heaven, which should please the old fans and puzzle the new. Here goes nothing!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Hello from the Abyss!
In a short introduction, I'm an artist and also an otaku and all-around geek. I'm from the USA, though Suede recently kidnapped me to New Zealand. I'm usually known in the abyss of the internets under the name of "Sunfur", so you'll see me under that or my given name of Jess. :3
At some point I'll be posting the adventures of Suede and I in Chicago, and the events of the 3'rd anniversary video! I would have posted videos and pictures, however during that time period my Ipod where all such files were stored was stolen! I did end up getting it back, but not before the files had been wiped clean. Sorry guys. :(
We hope you enjoy the blog though! We just want everyone to know that every comment is read and considered, and we appreciate everyone's feedback!
So, welcome to Days of Suede! =D