Friday, September 16, 2011

Hello from the Abyss!

Greetings everyone! This is Jessica! Suede's wife and secretary..uh...thing... (I don't know, I just haunt behind Suede's shadow. X3) I take care of a lot of the business and other similar aspects of Suede's work. You may notice me responding for him in video comments and on the TGWTG forums, as well as post here general updates on goings on.

In a short introduction, I'm an artist and also an otaku and all-around geek. I'm from the USA, though Suede recently kidnapped me to New Zealand. I'm usually known in the abyss of the internets under the name of "Sunfur", so you'll see me under that or my given name of Jess. :3

At some point I'll be posting the adventures of Suede and I in Chicago, and the events of the 3'rd anniversary video! I would have posted videos and pictures, however during that time period my Ipod where all such files were stored was stolen! I did end up getting it back, but not before the files had been wiped clean. Sorry guys. :(

We hope you enjoy the blog though! We just want everyone to know that every comment is read and considered, and we appreciate everyone's feedback!

So, welcome to Days of Suede! =D


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