OH GOD, don't watch the Neuro anime, from everything I've heard of it it's completely butchered compared to the manga, which is actually my favorite manga of all time. It's a 202 chapter manga that was turned into 26 episodes, if that tells you anything about how much they cut it...
I don't want to sound like a annoying pest, but seriously, if you ever get time to read the manga, try to do so, because it's totally amazing.
I agree about liking FF8, though for me it's mostly cause I like summons and the whole game is summon-based. And Irvine was cool. ^_^
what he said, my question to you is, have you seen figure17? Ive heard amazing things about it and a lot of people are ranking it as their favorite anime.
Hehe, When you mentioned forklifts an you in the jacket I start imagining you as Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue. All we've got to do is start hearing you're racing forklifts and looking for anyone who can read the chinese language.
Also you've got a rather dry cough there, it's fine to have something to drink on camera during a Vlog, ah well take care of yourself and best of luck with videos to come.
Oh and I'd like to quickly ask, That katana that has become part of your persona. Is the Katana you're wielding (sometimes) an actual weapon or is it just a replica? Thanks.
Like I said last time I hope work and helping Jess, hope work will go well and things get less hetic for you in the long run.
As a fellow lover of anime I will agree that Nougami Neuro is a very interesting anime and has its very cool moments, though there are some odd things at points but I am sure you will find those yourself.
Ohh good I am not the only one who noticed Cloud acts "very different!" from his first apperance, he was strong and moved forwards without letting things getting him down but then in the movie and other stuff he torments himself and doesn't forgive himself even though in the original game far as I knew he did forgive himself.
Whether its to drive the fact that he was not in control at the time but it just doesn't seem like the Cloud we remember if you get what I mean? (I know at times I make no sense ^^; ) Warrior of Light is like a representation of the FF1 player at the time where they would feel motivated to get through the game without letting anything get in the way if you get what I mean.
To be honest my gripe in FF13 is that most of the stuff that made FF's good were changed in the gameplay elements like being healed after every battle, potions are pointless to have meaning items are pointless when magic comes into the picture, you don't have to upgrade your weapons at all to beat the game and on the music side it sounds really bland and forgettable, characters and story I was fine with till close to the end that is, that and I think SquareEnix needs to return to having World Maps before 10.
Well thats my Fellobrabers 2 Cents on the matters you brought up and sadly I suck at thinking of questions really but if I do think of anything I will be sure to ask, as usual just take your time and do what you can when you can, once again good luck and take care. ^_^
got a lot to say but i'm not the best writer in the world so i will just say this fast thank you for this vlog now i know why you are take so long to get videos going and i'm sorry for doubt you
Hey, don't apologize for the audio and video quality. I don't see HUGE pixels, and I don't hear hissing. Good enough quality for me. :)
I really, really hope things start looking up for the both of you. I really. do.
OH GOD, don't watch the Neuro anime, from everything I've heard of it it's completely butchered compared to the manga, which is actually my favorite manga of all time. It's a 202 chapter manga that was turned into 26 episodes, if that tells you anything about how much they cut it...
I don't want to sound like a annoying pest, but seriously, if you ever get time to read the manga, try to do so, because it's totally amazing.
I agree about liking FF8, though for me it's mostly cause I like summons and the whole game is summon-based. And Irvine was cool. ^_^
Nice LOTR poster, did you watch the Ralph Baksi version?
what he said, my question to you is, have you seen figure17? Ive heard amazing things about it and a lot of people are ranking it as their favorite anime.
Welcome back Suede.. it's great to have you back.
I could direct you to more awesome AMVs, if you'd like. I used to collect them back when they were still a new thing.
Hehe, When you mentioned forklifts an you in the jacket I start imagining you as Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue. All we've got to do is start hearing you're racing forklifts and looking for anyone who can read the chinese language.
Also you've got a rather dry cough there, it's fine to have something to drink on camera during a Vlog, ah well take care of yourself and best of luck with videos to come.
Oh and I'd like to quickly ask, That katana that has become part of your persona. Is the Katana you're wielding (sometimes) an actual weapon or is it just a replica? Thanks.
I need some Animenia so I know what to actually watch in terms of Anime, because I have no idea.
Currently waiting for the last disc [2] of the last part [5] of FMA:B to be able to be shipped to me on netflix. :p
Like I said last time I hope work and helping Jess, hope work will go well and things get less hetic for you in the long run.
As a fellow lover of anime I will agree that Nougami Neuro is a very interesting anime and has its very cool moments, though there are some odd things at points but I am sure you will find those yourself.
Ohh good I am not the only one who noticed Cloud acts "very different!" from his first apperance, he was strong and moved forwards without letting things getting him down but then in the movie and other stuff he torments himself and doesn't forgive himself even though in the original game far as I knew he did forgive himself.
Whether its to drive the fact that he was not in control at the time but it just doesn't seem like the Cloud we remember if you get what I mean? (I know at times I make no sense ^^; ) Warrior of Light is like a representation of the FF1 player at the time where they would feel motivated to get through the game without letting anything get in the way if you get what I mean.
To be honest my gripe in FF13 is that most of the stuff that made FF's good were changed in the gameplay elements like being healed after every battle, potions are pointless to have meaning items are pointless when magic comes into the picture, you don't have to upgrade your weapons at all to beat the game and on the music side it sounds really bland and forgettable, characters and story I was fine with till close to the end that is, that and I think SquareEnix needs to return to having World Maps before 10.
Well thats my Fellobrabers 2 Cents on the matters you brought up and sadly I suck at thinking of questions really but if I do think of anything I will be sure to ask, as usual just take your time and do what you can when you can, once again good luck and take care. ^_^
got a lot to say but i'm not the best writer in the world so i will just say this fast thank you for this vlog now i know why you are take so long to get videos going and i'm sorry for doubt you
a fan from the past sighting out
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