Hello all! Welcome to Jessica's curiosity corner! Where I'll post questions for you as fanS asking for your opinion on certain subjects in the otaku, or general fandom, culture. This info may be used for future Suede vids, but is mostly for us to get to know you guys and your tastes better! Enjoy!
Long running anime: Overwhelming, or exciting?
There are thousands of anime out there, and not to mention the streams of manga that are the origin, or continuation for said entertainment, as well as video games, light novels, movies, etc. Basically, there is an abundance of the otaku culture to delve into. It is overwhelming for anyone, sometimes even the most desiccated Otaku, to decide which series to look into, follow, or really dedicate themselves. One of the most daunting is the long-running anime.
Example: There are many popular anime still going today that have been running for years. Such as
Pokemon, etc. There are many more that just have a ton of episodes that, even if they have ended; still has a huge comet’s tale of seasons behind it, such as the
Gundam Franchise,
Lupin III,
Dragonball (Z), etc.
So bids my question to you all today, and I want to invite you guys to discuss in the comments bellow. Is it daunting for you to delve into a long-time running show/manga series? Is it hard for you to start if you’re late coming into it, and the rest of the otaku consider it ‘old news’? Or do you find it exciting to enjoy something that has aged a bit; therefor you don’t have to wait anxiously for the next episode or the release of the next volume?
Let us know in the comments bellow!